Un Toit pour Tous

Join us for our Social Action in favour of "Un Toit pour Tous" on Thursday 17 March 2022 from 18.30 at La Salle Communale du Grand-Lancy, route du Grand-Lancy 64, 1212 Lancy You can purchase your ticket including "Dinner and Live Music" for 58 CHF per person on the following link: www.weezevent.com/widget_billeterie.php

Pink October

Importance of breast cancer screening was raisedd during dinner in order to finance the association "Centre du Sein".

Join our Social Action on the 20 February 2020, you will make your own fondue at “ La salle Communale du Grand-Lancy”

The amount raised will go to Mercy Ships, founded in Lausanne in 1978, who owns and operates floating Hospitals.

Their mission is dedicated to increasing access to healthcare, including surgery, in developing Nations.

Fondue cost: CHF35

Tickets already available @ genevanations.lionsclub.ch


Route du Grand-Lancy 64

1212 Grand-Lancy

Social Action: Collecting old eyeglasses

Our permanent social action  is collecting old pairs of glasses:  The challenge is to collect 1000 pairs of glasses within 12 months.

Please bring the pairs you have collected so far. Remember: each pair of glasses has a virtual value of CHF 4.- 

These glasses will be sent to Medico France. They will wash and repair them and then send them to countries in need. All these glasses have a second life.


Social Action is made in favor of La Maison de Tara

La Maison de Tara offers an alternative to hospitalization for people nearing the end of life who are unable to stay at home but wish to spend their final days in a homely/family atmosphere surrounded by warmth, care and tenderness…. a home away from home.

It offers to anyone who is seriously ill, a place to stay and be cared for in a family atmosphere. La Maison de Tara commits to bring to each resident the same quality of care that a family can provide. 

Action for the Lions Day 2012 - 2nd June 2012

LC Geneva Nations demonstrated Segway ® Personal Transporters (PT) in front of the Palais Wilson at the Quai Wilson for a small fee for “everyone” to try. The turn out was better than expected - several people, of all ages, tried the Segways!  The proceeds were donated to La Maison de Tara, Chêne-Bougeries.

Unlike a car, the Segway PT only has only two wheels, yet it manages to stay upright by itself. To move forward or backward on the Segway PT, the rider just leans slightly forward or backward. To turn left or right, the rider simply moves the steering frame left or right. You get the sense of power and speed, yet you also feel a sense of safety and absolute control. It all feels natural, safe, and instinctive.

Lionsjahr 2023-2024

9 Feb
Spectacle 'Le Petit Prince revisité' au Victoria Hall, Genève Spectacle en faveur de l'Association LEMAN HOPE (soutien pour enfants en rémission du cancer), mélange d' animation de sable, de théâtre et de musique /chant au Victoria Hall
9 Dez
Nage Glaciale Ice swimming in Lac Leman, Versoix to benefit Association Alzheimer, Genève
6 Nov
Association Gift Boxes Christmas parcels containing basic hygiene articles, school supplies, hats, gloves, toys, games and sweets for children in need in Ukraine and Moldova.

Lionsjahr 2022-2023

4 Mai
La Rose Du CICR - The members of the club sold 102 roses bushes for the common action of the district 102 West. The money collected should allow access to drinking water for all.
10 Apr
LE CARE Members volunteered on bank holidays and helped serving food for the homeless people and people in need. (Easter Monday - Ascension - Whit Monday)
27 Jan
Collecting old pairs of glasses All members of the club collected during the Lions Year 1551 old pairs of glasses. They were then brought to Morocco, our new partner, by our Governor Frederique d'Agostino.
20 Dez
Help for Ukraine Collecting warm winter clothes and shoes for children and adults in Ukraine
29 Nov
Association Swiss-Lebanon The members continued supporting this association by collecting various items and enabled a contact with the fire brigade of Geneva who donated important material to fight fires.
24 Nov
Association Gift Boxes for children Collecting toys and stationery for children in Ukraine, Moldava, Belarus and Georgia. Then helping to prepare the boxes + donation of CHF 500.
28 Okt
support for homeless people collecting men's clothes and buying shampoo and soap for the association LE CARE-a place where homeless people and people in need can find shelter for the day and get a warm meal.

Lionsjahr 2021-2022

6 Jun
We serve Aider l'association le C.A.R.E Servir des repas aux sans abri.
Le C.A.R.E
9 Mai
Support Ukraine The City of Vinnytsia is an important logistic and humanitarian hub. Together with the Charity foundation Podilska Hromada the executive committee of the city provides humanitarian and medical assistance as well as good delivery to wounded and refugees from all over Ukraine.
Vinnytsia City Council, Executive committee
17 Mär
Toit pour Tous Soirée risotto à la salle communale de Lancy. Action conjointe avec le LC Cosmopolite. Les membres Lions ont cuisiné, servi à table et tout organisé et rangé. L'association Toit pour Tous offre un toit et une adresse temporaire à des personnes ou familles qui ont tout perdu. cet abri leur permet de reprendre pied, de chercher un travail et ainsi se re-insérer dans la société.
Association Toit pour Tous
1 Feb
Soutien à Flavie Capozzi Flavie Capozzi fera la traversée du Léman aller retour dans le sens de la longueur en 60 heures et récoltera des fonds pour l'association MORIJA qui finance la construction de puits d'eau dans les régions sub-sahariennes.
Association MORIJA
29 Dez
Association Swiss-Lebanon Récolte de matériel médical-de bureau-Chaussures-jouets- médicaments etc Aide pour l'emballage du matériel. Soutien financier au transfert d'une ambulance CHF 480
Association Swiss-Lebanon
8 Nov
Melvin Jones honour to Lars-Robert Ahlin Donation to LCIF to honour our funding father with the Melvin Jones
1 Nov
Aide à l'association Suisse-Liban Récolte de matériel électronique, ménager, chaussures, médicaments, produits d'hygiène, couvertures etc pour aider l'association + don
Association Suisse-Liban, fondé par Alexandre Lachat, membre du LC Montreux

Lionsjahr 2020-2021

29 Mai
Donation in favour of Glaucoma Research Donation in favour of Glaucoma Research
Centre de Recherche Memorial Adolphe de Rothschild
24 Mai
Eye Surgery - Tony Ukety’s Legacy Tony Ukety is a former LC Geneva Nations member now serving his country as Eye surgeon. Finding will be used to perform cataract surgeries.
6 Mär
Le Caré With a Donation of 2000CHF the LC GENEVA NATIONS, provided and served 350 hot meals to the ones in need in Geneva and surrounding areas. The action was joint by the LEO Club Geneva. The action was organized by the LC Geneve
10 Dez
Toit pour Tous TOIT POUR TOUS is a Swiss NGO providing emergency accommodations for homeless since 2016. They relocate homeless from Geneva and surrounding area according to the Housing First Policy: finding a shelter for swiss nationals and foreign residents homeless people
Toit pour tous
12 Okt
Pink October - Centre du Sein GSMN, Genolier Swiss Oncology Network Supporting GDMN action to enhance awareness on the importance of Breast-Cancer Screening and to raise fund to help women by giving them access to nipple-prosthesis / nipple-tattoos (costs in most cases not covered by insurance).
Centre du Sein GSMN
1 Jul
Clean Water Project 20/21 Donation to the Clean Water Project

Lionsjahr 2019-2020

30 Mai
Feed the Needy Providing hot meals to people in needs in the Geneva local area.
Feed the needy
20 Feb
Social Action in favour of Mercyships You will make your own fondue at “ La salle Communale du Grand-Lancy” Route du Grand-Lancy 64 1212 Grand-Lancy Fondue cost: CHF35 The amount raised will go to Mercy Ships, founded in Lausanne in 1978, who owns and operates floating Hospitals. Their mission is dedicated to increasing access to healthcare, including surgery, in developing Nations.
Mercy Ships
1 Sep
Collecting old pairs of glasses The old glasses collected will be sent to Medico France. They will wash and repair them and then send them to countries in need. All these glasses have a second life. Please bring the pairs you have collected so far. Remember: each pair of glasses has a virtual value of CHF 4.-
Medico France
1 Jul
Clean Water Project 19/20 Donation to the Clean Water Project

Lionsjahr 2018-2019

21 Mär
SOIRÉE de SOUTIEN Soirée de soutien

Lionsjahr 2017-2018

1 Sep
Collecting old pairs of glasses The old glasses collected will be sent to Medico France. They will wash and repair them and then send them to countries in need. All these glasses have a second life. Please bring the pairs you have collected so far. Remember: each pair of glasses has a virtual value of CHF 4.-
Medico France

Lionsjahr 2016-2017

1 Jul
Collecting old pairs of glasses The old glasses collected will be sent to Medico France. They will wash and repair them and then send them to countries in need. All these glasses have a second life. Please bring the pairs you have collected so far. Remember: each pair of glasses has a virtual value of CHF 4.-
Medico France